Sunday, August 29, 2010

CBS to Black Beck Rally Attendees: ‘I'm Noticing that There Aren't a Lot of Minorities Here Today

CBS and the rest of the MSM have decided the Tea Party movement is racist and hostile to non-whites, and it’s a mantra they’re going to illustrate whenever they see an opportunity. Reporter Nancy Cordes saw a “nearly all-white crowd” at Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally in Washington, DC, as she (at least an off-camera female voice) demanded of two black women who weren't afraid to attend: “I'm noticing that there aren't a lot of minorities here today. Why do you think that is?” One of the women shot back: “They're probably over there with Al Sharpton.

Isn't it funny that my eyes saw several, what some would call, (African) Americans, (Asian) Americans, and (Hispanic) Americans

"There are none so blind as those who refuse to see."

1 comment:

  1. Did any of the reporters notice that the stage was 8o% minority? I didn't think so.

    It was about "We The People" ... AMERICANS and GOD and COUNTRY.
